Sunday, November 29, 2015


There was a nervous energy to her, always fidgeting, tapping the wheel.
The kind of woman who woke from a dead sleep, three hours early.
Who anxiously browses missed connections for a flitter of inspiration.
History’s Bend. Love letters to ghosts. To angels.
Countless hours spent studying the stars, mythology, metaphysics, physics, trying to find a connection.

Just then a moment of true serenity envelopes her busy mind, a pause for beauty, a deep breath in.
An oasis in an empty parking lot.
In that moment, shoulders loosen, hands fall from face,
and focus shifts to grace surrounding, exhale.
Fixations in solving life’s mysteries fade, she looks around, smiles.
A silent humming floods her mind, it seems these moments never last long enough.

She checks her Facebook, watches Youtube, or types in her favorite astrology website.
Curiosity expands as eyes ingest more knowledge, filling an exhausted soul.


Is it Neptune? Jupiter? Pluto? What’s declination have to do with it? Or is it all of it?
An answer for her awkwardness, the hunger in her soul,
a quenchless thirst for knowledge.
Certain relief is just around the corner.

Or is it?

In matters of the heart, she’s less skilled.
Pushing those closest to their limits.
Overstepping boundaries.
Assuming hers, is the only truth with logic.
Until it crushes him.
Tears stream down her lover’s face, now truth seems less important.
What if this knot in the back of her throat never goes away? Or the fire in her belly?
What can she do when he’s got nothing left to say?
When he runs out of reasons to stay?

Her eyes get warm.

A moment returns, and as quickly as it arrives, off she goes.

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