The title should explain it all, I've recently discovered through cleaning out my inbox that people tend to come to me for advice. How is this exactly when I know for a fact my life is anything but figured out? Honestly I'm not too sure, but it's flattering and it leads me to believe I might be on to something...
Normally I consult my best friend Addie before dispensing advice to anyone, because I have a tendency to rant on and on twisting the dagger of truth into an already tender heart. Addie had a way about her, a compassionate thoughtful side that helped me "rephrase" sentences and twist them to fit the situation perfectly. She died 3 weeks ago this Thursday, so I can't consult her about this blog or buffer myself in any way now that my counterpart has taken off to the skies. I will of course write a completely separate post about her and her excellence but I thought this was relevant considering I may step on some toes.
So please, forgive me ahead of time. I know not what I write.
Scrolling through my Facebook feed I noticed quite a few people complaining about their lives, how frustrated they were with drama and liars and felt stuck. At that moment fireworks went off! I realized it may actually be possible these people have no idea the role that they were playing in their own lives. The victim! Seriously? I have heard enough "Woe is me..." sob stories to last a freaking life time and to be honest, it's the most unattractive angle anyone in the history of anyones has ever tried to play.
If you're unhappy with where your life is going, change it. Change EVERYTHING. Start with your perspective, this world has been spinning for BILLIONS of years rotating around the if you think for a nanosecond it will stop and shift it's axis around poor 26yr old Jane, you're a nut job. The beauty of this life is that there are a billion different people on this planet who think, feel, dream, aspire, and achieve all without ever knowing your story. Take some time and try to get to know them! This leads me to my next point, once you're done gazing into the mirror while crying over small minded problems, look around.
Who are your friends? What are their goals, do they even have any? Where do they spend a majority of their time? Are they self reflective, motivated thinkers? These answers are a direct reflection of yourself, because my dear sweet are the company you keep.
Now when it comes to love and relationship advice I try hard to forget the fact that I'm a woman and put myself in each party's shoes in hopes of coming up with a completely unbiased opinion of the situation. Afterall Dick's feelings can be just as hurt as Janes. Recent events however, have triggered my "I am woman hear me roar" mentality (might possibly be the extra progesterone pulsing through my lovely veins but because I hate pulling the preggo card I'll just say it's sheer passion for my ovaries). With that being said I think one thing is completely clear, a majority of women now a days do NOT have enough respect for themselves. It's actually quite infuriating to see a good woman get walked all over, and I've witnessed this plenty of times (although often times I wont be the one holding my tongue). The fact that some women will overlook everything and do anything for a man unwilling to reciprocate is ludicrous. Wake up ladies! Take a step back and recognize you are an extremely valuable person, and knock that jerk off the pedestal already!
I'm gonna put my pink flag away and say this can also relate to some very wonderful men I know, ones who allow these bloodsuckers to come in, clean house, then take off with every hope and dream he ever had. See, it can go both ways, bloodsuckers, men and women, EVERYWHERE! I've often wondered how I make it through this life with such an optimistic outlook...I know...quite astonishing.
The reality of the situation is that we as people tend to over value our problems and undervalue ourselves. Take the time to appreciate all your hard work, reconfigure anything that doesn't really fit into your overall plan and roll with it...because tomorrow is never promised and you don't want to leave this place without influencing others by your greatness. Believe it or not but you Jane(or Dick, I'm all about equality) may actually leave a lasting impression on someone with amazing potential.